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Wednesday Discussion - Wins

  • 1.  Wednesday Discussion - Wins

    Posted 09-20-2023 11:41

    Many of us are thoroughly in grind time school year, so for a quick hit of positivity, what wins have you recently had.

    I have two:

    1. After over a month, I finally got a particular Special Needs student to actually revise on something they made in my graphics class. I wouldn't say they are happy about it, but they actually iterated on something and it has been a major hurdle for them.
    2. Wes, Melanie and I finished and submitted our talk proposal for the GDC Educational Summit this year. Which is crazy because of how much better it is than all of the proposals I tried to throw together on my own. It is nice to not submit it with an hour before the window closing for a change.


  • 2.  RE: Wednesday Discussion - Wins

    Posted 09-20-2023 17:54

    Today I am doing parent teacher conferences (we have a non-student day for this in lieu of "back to school night"; I recommend it). One very odd bit of information that can be construed as a win so far this year is multiple students are doing well in my Digital Game Design class, but terribly in all of their other classes. So good for me, I guess? I made the conscious effort to slow down the curriculum this year, and it seems to be working. I suppose my hard exterior has softened over the years, lol.

    Wesley Jeffries k12teacher
    Riverside CA

  • 3.  RE: Wednesday Discussion - Wins

    Posted 09-20-2023 18:25
    I was having the same result, great in my Game Design class, not so great in everything else.  I offer two semesters of game making.  I told them they would not be allowed to take the second semester of game design (VR) if their grades did not improve across the board.  Amazing what kids can do if they want to.

    Garth Flint
    Computer Science Teacher
    Loyola Sacred Heart High School

  • 4.  RE: Wednesday Discussion - Wins

    Posted 09-21-2023 09:56

    The pivot from Itopia Labs using Unity to Construct through a browser has been a gamechanger for my Digital Game Design students.  They are actually able to complete the work and are iterating with creative modifications.

    Nate Walker k12teacher
    Riverside CA

  • 5.  RE: Wednesday Discussion - Wins

    Posted 09-24-2023 23:13

    I am using Construct as well! You rolling your own curriculum to teach it? (just curious if there is anything cool you do/plan to do in it I might borrow/steal ;)

    Jacob Jarecki
    Computer Science/Game Design Teacher
    San Diego Unified School District

  • 6.  RE: Wednesday Discussion - Wins

    Posted 09-24-2023 23:17

    Having gotten a bit fed up doing demos in class on big screen (and showing up live on their screens as well) and having students not following along very well, I drastically cut down on my demo'ing time and came up with GROUP TASK SHEETS!

    Basically, its a list of what you need to know how to do for that day, and I give one sheet to each group of adjacent students. They all need to check off that all the members in their group have finished/understand each step. At the end, I randomly pick a task for each member of the group to demo to me and then I sign off on it for the day.

    It isn't perfect, and I am not as rigorous with grading it as I should be...but it does have students passing around a paper and asking way more questions of eachother than they would have otherwise.

    I really want to improve my classroom vibe from one of heads down struggling on own to looking around asking peers for help, so this is a teeeeny step in that direction.

    Jacob Jarecki
    Computer Science/Game Design Teacher
    San Diego Unified School District

  • 7.  RE: Wednesday Discussion - Wins

    Posted 09-25-2023 10:36
    I encountered the failure of big presentations on the screen long ago.  Waste of time.  When things like that are done to me it is a waste of time and I supposedly know a bunch of this stuff.  I now give out an assignment in Unity (a project or task), give out resources (often YouTube tutorials or instructions I have written up) and tell the kids to figure it out.  It turns into a group operation.  Those that figure it out quickly share with others.  I float around helping troubleshoot.  Kids learn how to follow directions closely.  An important skill in a tech world.  Very, very little is single students working on a task.  They want to share.  Grading is based on effort and participation.  This is an elective the kids should have fun with.  I try to make it fun by applying minimum grade pressure, they have other courses for that.  It is amazing what the kids can do when you leave them alone to figure things out.  Teachers have a tendency to want to hold students' hands too much.  Make the kids figure it out on their own or in small groups.  They learn and retain so much better when they struggle a bit.

    Garth Flint
    Computer Science Teacher
    Loyola Sacred Heart High School

  • 8.  RE: Wednesday Discussion - Wins

    Posted 09-25-2023 11:27
    It took me a while to figure that one out.

    I do much less demoing than I used to. When I actually "demo" stuff is mostly pseudocode/whiteboard diagram type stuff.


    The Roseville Joint Union High School District prohibits discrimination, intimidation, harassment (including sexual harassment) and bullying based on a person's actual or perceived ancestry, color, disability, gender, gender identity, gender expression, immigration status, nationality, race or ethnicity, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or association with a person or a group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. The RJUHSD Nondiscrimination policy applies to any violations as they relate to school activities or school attendance within a school under the jurisdiction of the superintendent of the RJUHSD.  For questions or complaints, contact Equity Compliance Officer & Title IX Coordinator: Rob Hasty, Executive Director, Human Resources, 1750 Cirby Way Roseville, CA 95661, 916-782-8663, For questions or inquiries related to 504's, please reach out to our Section 504 Coordinator: Craig Garabedian, Executive Director of Special Services, 1750 Cirby Way, Roseville, CA. 95661, 916-771-6570 

  • 9.  RE: Wednesday Discussion - Wins

    Posted 09-25-2023 22:54

    As others have said, it pretty much doens't work unless you have super motivated students who will hang on your every word. I either make the videos myself, or find good ones, my "lecture" at the beginning of class is usually, here are the resources for you to do X, here is what X should look like when you are done, here's where you can find more about X, get started. It mostly works, but for the most reluctant learners, they are no good at self paced learning, but at least that frees me up to spend more time with them, since the others can do it.

    Owen Peery k12teacher

  • 10.  RE: Wednesday Discussion - Wins

    Posted 09-25-2023 22:52

    We have had a wild ride this year already, we were in lockdown bc a student took a gun out in the hallway, we had a fire in the girls bathroom that resulted in an emergency room visit, bricks of firecrackers lit off in the hallway in 3 different locations, and yet, I close and lock my door to keep the crazy out, and we are having good times.

    I am using Godot this year, but we haven't started with it. I started with pixel art, I'm using Libresprite since I cannot get my district to approve Aseprite. We are partaking in the Septembit Challenge. Here's a video,, basically you make pixel art animals with severe constraints, black and white, 16 x 16 only, and you put them all on the same page. What happens is over time you see your drawings get better and you learn the tools better. My students are making really cute things. Next up we will do some basic animations in Libresprite, bouncing a ball, jumping, then character states like idle, running, etc. Then we'll open up Godot and get going. My seniors are starting their programming practice for Godot tomorrow since they had Unity and C# all last year, I can jump into it sooner with them.

    I had a news article come out a few weeks ago. The SF Chronicle sent a photographer to my room. The story is not really about my class and my class didn't benefit from this Salesforce grant, but they wanted to see someone teaching something related to computer science, so that was me.

    I took my students to SF State for a field trip. We sat in on a Music Composition for Game class. They had remade Breakout, and had to compose sound effects and music for 20 spots in the game. We are going to do the same project this Fall, but in Godot.

    There is a lot that is depressing in education right now, but my kids are thriving.

    Owen Peery k12teacher

  • 11.  RE: Wednesday Discussion - Wins

    Posted 09-26-2023 10:34

    It is crazy how well kids can just truck through the chaos sometimes.

    You got any Godot resources you are thinking of using? not switching this year, but I really want to kick the tires a bit.


  • 12.  RE: Wednesday Discussion - Wins

    Posted 09-26-2023 11:10
    I started Unity with YouTube.  Lots of hours finding and previewing good resources.  If you have done this already for Godot I would be interested to see what you have found.  I do not plan to leave Unity any time soon but just in case the bottom falls out I want a fall back ready to go.  I am also retiring in the next couple of years and might want to teach part-time at the local university. Having a second game engine to teach might be of interest to the university.  I was looking at teaching Unreal but the overhead is a pain, worse than Unity.

    Garth Flint
    Computer Science Teacher
    Loyola Sacred Heart High School

  • 13.  RE: Wednesday Discussion - Wins

    Posted 09-26-2023 11:20
    That is why I went with Unity in the first place, the community resources are just leagues ahead of everyone else. I suspect a lot of these creators are going to be driven out in the coming years, but it is going to take time to spin up. Haven't quite found what I am looking for in Godot yet, but there are a lot of people starting to make stuff for it.

    The Godot dev fund should just throw money at Brackeys.


    The Roseville Joint Union High School District prohibits discrimination, intimidation, harassment (including sexual harassment) and bullying based on a person's actual or perceived ancestry, color, disability, gender, gender identity, gender expression, immigration status, nationality, race or ethnicity, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or association with a person or a group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. The RJUHSD Nondiscrimination policy applies to any violations as they relate to school activities or school attendance within a school under the jurisdiction of the superintendent of the RJUHSD.  For questions or complaints, contact Equity Compliance Officer & Title IX Coordinator: Rob Hasty, Executive Director, Human Resources, 1750 Cirby Way Roseville, CA 95661, 916-782-8663, For questions or inquiries related to 504's, please reach out to our Section 504 Coordinator: Craig Garabedian, Executive Director of Special Services, 1750 Cirby Way, Roseville, CA. 95661, 916-771-6570 

  • 14.  RE: Wednesday Discussion - Wins

    Posted 09-26-2023 11:40

    I had an internship this past summer with GDQuest. They make complete curriculum using Godot. They are making awesome curriculum for the Godot 4 update that came out this past spring. It's taking a lot longer than expected, but that's because it's high quality. Here is a link to their offerings,

    They are going to let schools use it for free, although they sell it to individuals to learn Game Dev.

    They were at the W4 Games booth at GDC this past March.

    GDScript is the language used, but you can use C# if you prefer. Godot has an editor built in with amazing prediction support so no more messing around with Visual Studio and predictive text that breaks.

    They even built a stand alone programming practice app that teaches you GDScript.

    The built in functions make so much sense to me and make it easier to get your prototypes up and running quickly so you can iterate.

    GDQuest's Youtube channel is packed full of great content.

    The only caveat is that the update to Godot 4.0 last spring was MAJOR, so old tutorials do not work that well, you really have to know the changes, then you can use older tutorials in 4.0. At the same time, not enough content exists for 4.0 yet so you run across many cool tutorials but for 3.5.2 I suspect soon that will get much better.

    Owen Peery k12teacher

  • 15.  RE: Wednesday Discussion - Wins

    Posted 09-26-2023 21:31

    Kenney just released a CC0 starter kit for Godot that might be a good bookmark if anyone goes down that route.

    Anthony White
    Top of the World CSTA Vice President
    CS/Game Dev - Kodiak High School
    Kodiak, AK

  • 16.  RE: Wednesday Discussion - Wins

    Posted 09-27-2023 11:27

    Kenny is the freaking man.


  • 17.  RE: Wednesday Discussion - Wins

    Posted 09-28-2023 11:12

    Already shared it with my seniors, they are excited. What they are seeing in real time is real community. They are amazed how much sharing and collaboration goes on in open source and starting to see the value of it.

    Owen Peery k12teacher

  • 18.  RE: Wednesday Discussion - Wins

    Posted 09-28-2023 11:17

  • 19.  RE: Wednesday Discussion - Wins

    Posted 09-28-2023 11:33

    LETS GO!
